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Sled Dog Racing

The first Saturday of March in Anchorage,Alaska, is always a great day.

The Iditarod(eye-DIT-uh-rod) Trail Sled Dog Race, the most famous sled dog race

in the world,begins right in the middle of town.

 The night before, trucks dump heavy loads of snow on the streets so the sled dog

teams of snow on the streets so of Anchorage.

Early Saturday morning, trailers full of dogs,sleds, and supplies begin to roll into town.

Soon the air fills with the sounds of

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barking and the noisy crowds gathering on the sidewalks.

About an hour before the race, Iditarod workers arrive at the starting line.

 Flags from every country and state that the racers call home flutter in the breeze.

An announcer yells out the names of the mushers with their teams.

 The starting clock is set, and the countdown begins, Five,four,three,two, one...

and they're off !